Long time no post! Tonight's dinner is the Harvest Trio Soup from the Biggest Book of Soups & Stews. As a soup lover, this book is a favorite of mine! You can purchase this book on Amazon.com.
First the recipe called for tomatoes and eggplants to be halved and prepped for roasting! I hadn't cooked with eggplants before so this was new for me.
Sautéing up some leeks in Jon's handy cast iron pot!
Veggies have been roasted. Next step was to scoop out the eggplant guts. The eggplants were still kind of hot...
Getting ready to add some garlic, paprika and cayenne. Spicy!
It's starting to look soup-like now that I have added the vegetable juice
It looks kind of disgusting here... all the veggies have been added.
Blend, blend, blend!
Final verdict: delicious but spicy! The recipe called for .25 to .5 tsp cayenne and I elected to use .5. Might be better to use .25 unless you like it hot! Jon's not a huge eggplant fan so I probably won't be making this particular soup again, but I will still enjoy my leftovers.